
Number 3 company is currently deployed to Africa helping the Zambian government in the fight against poaching. The deployment is called OP CORDED and the Company is passing on their expertise to Zambian students of the Chunga Wildlife Training School, Kafue National Park.


Zambia, like the rest of Africa is facing unprecedented poaching levels. Consumption of bush meat and trafficking in wildlife products are reaching an all time high. In order to hold back the current onslaught of wildlife poaching throughout Africa, specifically of elephants, anti-poaching patrols are essential.


Number 3 Company will be starting the patrols phase alongside the Zambian Rangers soon and recently the Company had the privilege in attending the opening ceremony for the training package and able to stand side by side on parade with the Zambian students.


The training consists of tracking, ground signs, weapon recognition and much more, with members of Number 3 Company able to impart their knowledge to their eager students.


During the opening ceremony members of Number 3 Company got the chance to show VIP's exactly what they will be teaching the students at Chunga Wildlife Training School, Kafue National Park. The training consists of tracking, ground sign, weapon recognition, medical, intelligence gathering and much more.


While there are variety of ways that humans can harm ecosystems around the world, poaching in particular threatens a number of species — even those that may be protected in national parks or wildlife reservations.


Today, poaching is usually done for profit, with the animal parts sold to black and illegal markets. The result is that many animals have been attacked and their numbers are critically depleted.